My Life Without Pain is a Joy

I came to Body of Light because despite my best efforts, I couldn't seem to solve to painful issues in my body: A stiff, painful neck and pain in my hip flexors and lower back, which was aggravated every time I went for a walk. I'm an active person - I teach various fitness classes, including Zumba® and POUND™ - and I believe our bodies can do amazing things but everything I had tried, failed. I decided to try something new. Dr David has a wonderfully joyful disposition that put me at ease. The entire staff is warm and kind. I was a little scared of trying chiropractic adjustments but everything about my experience at Body of Light allowed me to trust I was doing something that would change my life.

Before coming to Body of Light, I started every morning with a stiff, and painful neck. I taught classes in pain, and often felt like my head was too heavy to bear at the end of the evening. I had accepted that this might be my new normal, that this might be chronic pain related to the autoimmune disease I've had for 10 years. Last summer, after days of pain, I overheard a co-worker at the Eugene Family YMCA mention Body of Light. After one adjustment, I saw results. I told a friend days later that I had a new neck. I didn't remember what it felt like to be without pain! Of course, that wasn't the end of my visits, but it was enough to convince me I was on the right track. My lower back and hip flexors battle less, and I can walk my dogs without pain. I realize now that some old injuries were a big cause of my discomfort and finding a drug-free way to live my life without pain is a joy.

I went in for my first appointment hoping for relief, but I have to be honest: I had low expectations. I had lived with pain for a very long time. If you are living with pain, it is well worth giving Body of Light a go. One of the reasons I feel comfortable referring friends to Dr. David is because I trust his ability to help where he can; I also trust his judgement to send a client to another facility if the injury or pain is outside the scope of his practice. The staff is great at answering questions, and helping you through this process. Being pain-free most days is fabulous.

- Lisa Milton