Home Sweet Homeschool; 5 Must-Do Tips for Happier, Healthier Distance Learning



Melody Spear, D.C.

New to homeschooling and distance learning?  If you are (deep breath…you’ve got this) or if you’ve been doing it for years, I would like to highlight a valuable piece of the learning plan.  Posture!   It sounds old school and not very glamorous but honestly, it really is important.  Have you heard the saying, ”As the twig is bent…so grows the tree”?  It’s true!  And a perfect image statement for us to understand why healthy posture is so important for our growing children.  It’s the repetition of postural habits that’s vital to be aware of .   Habitual biomechanics literally shape the body and the body’s identity of itself in the bones, musculature, ligaments and even the brain.  What is the posture of your child as she’s studying?  Is she crumpled on the couch, legs crossed and twisted in a chair, sitting somewhere sunken and drooping? If he’s slouched over for long periods of time his lungs are not optimized.  If she’s working on a device for long periods of time her neck and eye muscles are likely becoming strained.   Let’s shine the spotlight on posture, because it’s important to the health of your child (and you!) because, “The shape, position, tension and tone of your spine determines the shape, position, tension and tone of your life.” (Donald Epstein, D.C.)  So let’s get to work on creating optimized, repeatable, healthy posture. 



Yes, use a laptop…but PLEASE not on your lap!  Sit at a table with both feet on the floor, knees not higher than your hips, spine lengthened (not crossed legs and twisted spine), shoulders relaxed, and neck able to freely move.  Feel free to wiggle in between thoughts.  Create waves in your spine.  Breathe deeply.  Occasionally, rotate your head clockwise, and then counter-clockwise.  Roll your shoulders and your ankles between thoughts and then when you begin typing again, assume “the position” at a table and firm/stable chair with the height of each appropriate for “the position”.   


Really, with cell phones it’s as easy as simply raising your arms and raising your head  When using a cell phone simply elevate the screen to the height of your eyes, creating a need to lift the arms and hold them there while looking at the screen, eliminating the need for forward head flexion.  Do an experiment with your kids.  Have them hold a cell phone where they usually do (in the bad position).  Have them note this position.  Hold the position and take the cell phone away.  Really feeeel it.  Next, move to the new position (neck is straight and screen is at eye level).  Take a breath, smile…life is better here.  Go back and forth a few times.  Down, then up.  Down, then up.  Try it!  It’s kind of funny and really gets the feeling of the difference into their bodies.  The arms can get tired from holding a device in the correct position for long periods of time.  Your body is speaking to you!  Teach the littles from an early age, that when the arms get tired that’s their smart bodies’ way of telling them to take a little break.  Have your children help you too.  A gentle reminder of “text neck!” can help the whole family. 


This is the fun part!  Take a break just like in school.  But unlike school, you can:  walk the dog, make a dance, race someone around the house or up and down the street, shoot some hoops, do 10 sit-ups and then 10 push-ups…you get the idea.


Have a glass of regular water always just a reach away when studying.  The odds of actually drinking it will greatly increase.  Your whole system works on water.  It’s easy, free and one of the best things you can do for your body.  Now do those 10 sit-ups and push-ups, then run around the house.  That water’s looking pretty good now, huh?


You know that forward, sinking, C-shaped  posture we tend to take when studying?  Reverse it and often.  

You can do:

Back-ups :  They’re kinda like reverse sit-ups.  Simply lie on your tummy, arms by your side.  Lift your head, shoulders and chest up toward the ceiling slowly and then slowly down.  Keep your chin tucked so your head is in line with your spine.  Do 12 reps 3 times.  Take a little breather in between each rep.  Be careful not to hurt your low back.  Keep your pelvis tucked toward the floor (no arching in the low back)  

 Yoga Bridge:  Most young kiddos rule at this!  Lay on your back, hands near shoulders and feet near bum.  Push up in to a bridge.  Breathe.  It gets a little trickier as we get older so use caution, move slowly and listen to your body.  Take note especially of the low back.  

Exercise Ball:  If you have one there are endless stretches and exercises you can do with them and they’re fun for kids because they move!  For this reason, I recommend parent supervision at all times. For our reverse action, simply lie on your back on the ball.  Use a spotter so you don’t roll off .  Relax and turn that front-shaped “C” into a backward “C”.  Remember…safety first!

This temporary relocation of your children’s learning could be the best thing that ever happened to them!  It’s your chance to assist in changing the very structure of their body for good posture that will last them a healthy lifetime! Look for ways to gently remind them of their new posture. 

Here are a few ideas:

-Display the 5 tips around the house as a reminder.

-Set a posture alarm every 15 minutes to check in while they’re working.

-See if they can “catch you” in a posture that could be improved.  And then thank them. 

-Put a new word everyday on the ceiling above them to encourage them to look up and reverse their “C curve”.  Reverse the whole spine and stay there for 2 full breaths.   Do this twice every hour.

-Create a reminder word.  For example, every time they hear someone use the word “clock” it will remind them to check in with their posture.

I know there are other great ideas for encouraging good posture out there.  Let us know some of your favorites in the comments below and if you’re not already on our email list, sign up below to be among the first to receive the latest info, our newsletter and “are you kidding me?” (in a good way) offers from Body of Light Family Chiropractic!